09.10.2011г., США, Nevada, Mesquite разбились ТМ с пассажиром.

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Police said after their main parachute failed to deploy, the instructor -- aged in his 60s with nearly 11,000 jumps to his name -- tried to open a back-up chute, but it was tangled and did not deploy properly.

The instructor died after landing on the tarmac at the Mesquite Municipal Airport, while the woman was taken to a nearby hospital, where she was later pronounced dead.
После отказа ОП тандем-мастер попытался открыть ЗП, но ЗП не открылся должным образом. Инструктор погиб на месте, пассажирка умерла в больнице.

Обсуждение на Скайцентре: http://www.skycentre.net/index.php?showtopic=11604